Snowmobiling's Early Days: The Harley Davidson Story
Posted by James WhitehouseSnowmobiling's Early Days: The Harley Davidson Story
Since the original invention of the snowmobile in the 1930’s by French-Canadian inventor Joseph-Armand Bombardier, the machine best suited for both work and play on the Arctic tundra has seen many iterations. Here we learn a little more about the short-lived yet notorious arrival of the infamous Harley Davidson to the snowmobile marketplace.

5 tips for your time in Lapland
Posted by Jasmine Rowswell, Outdoor Instructor,A trip to this part of the world has been the top of many people’s bucket list and is becoming more popular due to the craving for snow many Brits can’t quench at home. Although many websites can provide you with tips on the best places to stay, cheap flights and thrill-seeker excursions, there seems to be a lack of personal ‘tricks of the trade’ tips from someone who has spent considerable time in Lapland. So, after spending the last six months working as an Outdoor Instructor for Transun’s supplier, I have put together my top five tips for a trip to Lapland...